For those who met their lady while in their mid 20’s – how did you meet?

  1. Early 20’s count? Met at 22 and married at 25, first kid at 27 now 31.


    We did go to school together between ages 11-12 but Tinder.

  2. In my 40s now – Met my wife in mid 20s though – We met through mutual friends. It wasn’t a setup, we just happened to both be single (as in, casually dating people, but nothing serious) and in a group setting with a lot of unfamiliar people she said I was the one who made her feel the most comfortable and safe so she wanted to get to know me better. Just like that we both stopped seeing other people and the rest is history.

  3. I met mine through sports in college, but matched through online dating

    What I am taking away from this post is that online dating does have more success than people lead on

  4. She needed help with her laptop and I offered to help. Met her grandma too that day.

    We got married a year later.

  5. I had just broke up with a cheating gf and spent the week alone, pouting.

    My friends forced me to go out and try to cheer up.

    I met her at a bar that night. We’ve been married 18 years.

  6. I was at the beach, drank a bunch of Budweiser, and complimented her on her boobs. We’ve been married for almost thirty years now.

  7. Went to college together. Never dated while in school but reconnected when she moved to the city where I lives

  8. I was on mid tour leave from Iraq so I attended a joint birthday party, my sisters husband and my now brother in law. She was sitting beside my son and we talked a little.

  9. We were friends 6 years prior, but we lost contact. She messaged me one day after seeing a picture of me on Facebook in a 80s sweat suit and an afro at a Halloween party. We started hanging out and about a month in we started dating. It’s only gotten better.

  10. At a wedding via another family who introduced me to her. I was bored at this wedding and we just got chatting, the rest is history

  11. 27 when I met her, long story short I had the day off, a friend and I went to the mall to get some stuff before meeting for dinner, I saw a beautiful young lady at the register and initiated a conversation with her and yada yada yada we got married 6 months later

  12. We were 21 and met at a party thrown by a mutual friend. We did the very mature thing and each told the friend that we liked the other one. The next time we saw each other we knew what was up. We didn’t really date as we were moreso instantly just together after that and married 5 years later.

  13. At work. A lot of these stories revolve around food. Our office building complex shared a cafeteria so we ate lunch together randomly, found out we graduated from the same school with the same degree a couple years apart and knew some of the same people, and we’re still together a quarter century later. Funny we never met at school, but whatever.

    Depending on which axe people want to grind, “at work” means anything from my chill situation where we temporarily shared a CEO and worked in adjacent office buildings, to he’s her supervisor and they share a cubicle which is a bit too close for comfort.

  14. Met her at the gym. Saw her the first time and hit on her. Asked for her number.

    9 years already.

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