For example, I am just done with celebs preaching to us mere mortals (looking at you, David Beckham).

  1. One sided ‘friendships’. You know. The people who only get in touch when they want you to do something for them.
    Sorry. I’m done with you!

  2. Bette Middler just started screaming at people on twitter, outraged that we didn’t respect her virtue signalling.

    A woman who has spent her entire life jetting around the world, owning multiple properties including a 7,000sqft, $50 million apartment in NY truly believes that “nobody has done more for the environment” than she has because she only showers once a month.

    I am also done with celeb crap, especially the ginger traitor and his wicked witch wife.

  3. I feel like this is all I talk about recently but I’m done with teaching. I left my career and trained as a teacher at 28 with a young family. I killed myself in school during the day and working at night while not seeing my family for a whole year. It cost me a lot and I thought it was worth it. I then worked in a school I didn’t like before leaving after 2 years when I was head hunted to a another role in the private sector.

    I eventually came back to teaching after feeling I needed to come back and get closure. Fast forward a few years and I’m leaving again. This time I can’t wait to go. I’m done with it completely and if in the future I think about coming back I want those close to me to slap some fucking sense into me.

  4. Things are getting worse and I’m sick of it. A tipping point was hit in 2007-8 and while things are still better now than, say, 1990, that’s because of technology/availability of resources. But the latter is getting worse, job conditions are getting worse (zero hour contracts, not enough pay etc). People are ironically less connected than they were pre-covid, and certainly less than pre-social media. We have things like netflix but they are a distraction from the reality that real life is worse.

    And it sucks.

  5. Those local clickbait news websites

    “Local mum SHOCKED after seeing digestives down the freezer aisle in Tesco” with 27 tweets sharing the same feelings

    I don’t read the news often but r/SlowNewsDay is always interesting to flick through

  6. Being scared of the cost of heating my home. Also piss poor service from everywhere because of ‘covid’

  7. Cars. Everywhere, bloody cars.

    Walkable High Street with room for humans, humans with little humans and humans in wheelchairs? Nah, cars. Only cars.

    Nice wooded area with really old trees? Nope, that’s car space now.

    Low cost housing on derelict land? Sorry not sorry, we’re giving it to cars.

    Ah well at least there’s one nice wide pavement along this road where two people can pass each other. Oh wait, someone’s parked a car on it.

  8. The government. All politicians.

    Just done with them all. Non stop lies and them taxing us to death, not providing services and getting away with it.

    Then telling us not to panic. Im out.

  9. Work. Years of working 12-15 hours have sapped the life out of me. It’s a miracle my marriage hasn’t ended. I hate everything about the job. The money is not justifying the loss of the prime health and time of my life Trying to get out, wish me luck!!

  10. Clickbait

    It’s absolutely everywhere. Every article, every YouTube video, every Facebook group. So much of what’s online now is pure garbage. I miss the days of seeing an interesting thumbnail/link and it actually being interesting.

    Now you get 10 min videos on a major news story that turns out to be pure speculation based on a single word in another article that is also clickbait.
    As well as videos like “why xxx is great” followed by “why xxx isn’t great and you should by the next one” followed by “why we were wrong about xxx”.

    I’m really hoping that people one day stop clicking on it so decent creators/articles start getting the attention.

  11. 100% done with this Harry & Meghan bollocks.

    Don’t agree or disagree with them. But they seem to come across as very hard done by for m(b)illionaires

  12. Wasting time and money. I hope next year I’ll do a lot better with not wasting money on pointless crap – less takeaways, less fancy coffees, less random stuff that happens to be on sale. I’m tired of calculating how much I’ve frittered away on rubbish and want to start putting more into my savings and spending more on genuinely fun activities and experiences.

  13. Not taking responsibility for your own health and well-being. So much people can do to improve their health with small changes but completely ignoring any support or information they are given.

  14. People, I can’t deal with people. The older I get the more I can see through people.

  15. Declining quality of seemingly everything. Every product in shops seems to be a smaller and worse version of what is used to be. Public transport getting cut. Public services being cut. Just almost everything having less money spent on it in a constant race to the bottom. Everything that can get worse in this country does get worse. And it becomes the new normal, and thus we’ve been prepared for the next stage of decline.

  16. Constantly being the pawns for world change.

    Government isn’t green enough? Inconvenience the public.

    World’s too polluted? Its not corporations fault, its because you like to use deodorant.

    Train drivers not being paid enough? Inconvenience the public.

    Too much homelessness? Make the general public more aware.

    What fuckin power do these people think we actually have because last time I checked, the people with the real power to change don’t pay much attention to the average persons views.

  17. People on their phones while driving. Also people speeding then slamming on the breaks before cameras.

    Dangerous, pointless and causes a load of deaths and injuries every day.

  18. A lack of any common sense in a worryingly increasing amount of people.

    Oh and the decreasing amount of people taking responsibility. Always someone else’s job or worse, fault

  19. Trains. Our train system in England is utter shit. Get charged an arm and a leg to get from Birmingham to London and the fuckers never on time. In the last 3 months I’ve been going once a week, and not once in the last 3 months has there not been a delay of some kind either getting to London in the morning or getting back to Birmignham in the evening.

  20. Fast Fashion. This business model has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it allows companies to produce a large volume of clothing at a low cost. However, there are several downsides to this approach.

    First, fast fashion is often criticized for its negative impact on the environment. The production of clothing requires a lot of energy and resources, and the fast fashion model encourages the overconsumption of these resources. Additionally, fast fashion clothing is often of low quality, and has a short lifespan, leading to a lot of waste. As a result, the fashion industry is a major contributor to climate change and pollution.

    Second, fast fashion can be harmful to the people who produce the clothing. Many fast fashion companies outsource their production to developing countries, where labor laws are often lax or poorly enforced. This can lead to unsafe working conditions and low wages for workers, who are often forced to work long hours for little pay. This exploitation of workers is unacceptable, and it is important for consumers to be aware of the conditions under which their clothing is produced.

    Third, fast fashion encourages a disposable mindset when it comes to clothing. Because clothing is produced quickly and inexpensively, it is often seen as disposable, and consumers are encouraged to buy new clothing frequently. This can lead to a constant cycle of consumption, with consumers buying new clothes even when they don’t need them. This is not only wasteful, but it can also be harmful to our mental health, as it encourages us to constantly compare ourselves to others and strive for perfection.

    In conclusion, fast fashion has several downsides, including its negative impact on the environment, the exploitation of workers, and the promotion of a disposable mindset. It is important for consumers to be aware of these issues, and to support companies that are committed to sustainability and ethical production.

  21. Spineless people who won’t “take sides” even when it’s obvious that someone has done something truly horrible. They’re not the victim so they continue to support the offender, who goes around as a perpetual victim calling everyone else crazy/nasty.

    (I’m the victim in this situation, and I’m not just losing the person who wronged me, I’m losing an entire friend group because of the collective betrayal. It sucks).

  22. People that drive at less than 50% of the speed limit and turn my already hideous 1:15hr drive home from work to 2hrs

  23. The UK.

    As soon as I graduate I’m off before I get bogged down by family and careers. See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya.

  24. TikTok and its influence – nonsensical, throwaway circlejerk of meaningless microcontent meaning loads of people under 20 don’t have the attention span to watch a narrative the length of a TV show let alone a film or series.

    My ex stepson would lay on his bed watching it for 4 hours, then eat with phone in hand, then film himself fake crying for sympathy likes or unfunnily miming to Bob’s Burgers out of context or something.

    He literally failed a year of college over it

  25. Paying tax, (or paying my full fair share), – they are just letting Big Business etc. take the piss now and for all the billions they do take in the mostly squander it or give it away.

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