What’s An Obscure Movie Line That You Say On A Daily Basis That No One Gets?

  1. “Egypt! What’s it like?” – Harry Potter 3. Every time someone mentions Egypt, I have to say this. It’s a running joke in my family.

  2. *when someone finishes talking to someone else in the group*

    Me: “… Me?”

    From *Futurama: The Beast With A Billion Backs*.

  3. I don’t think it’s that obscure but

    > “You keep saying that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means”

    never seems to land. People **never** get it.

  4. The fuck is it with you and sandwiches kid.

    Nobody fucks with the jesus

    Ah ah ah you didn’t say the magic word.

    What does marceles Wallace look like. Say what one more got damn time. I dare you u double dare you.

    Have you met Howard?

  5. It’s def not obscure but feels like it based on blank looks, “you’re killin me, Smalls!”

  6. Anything from Tourette’s guy. “Dont talk shit about total!” “Looks like a pissed off puerto rican!” “WAIT A MINUTE YOU DICK!”

  7. “We are getting aggravated. Yes we are.”

    – said very calmly by The Twins in the Matrix Reloaded when they’re struggling to kill Neo in the freeway chase scene. It’s the delivery of the line, very calm and monotone that made it memorable to me.

  8. “You’re not allowed”

    – Slave pen guard from Titan AE.

    I love Titan AE and far far too few people have seen it. I just love the way that they subverted the “dumb guard” trope and then the 4th wall break out of nowhere. Plus I like the way the guard says the line.

    The scene and line in question:


  9. Every time I go grab a tool or item from a coworker I snatch it and go “I’m taking this!” and then sniff it vigorously “Ahhhhhhh!” as I back away. Best Carrey movie ever.

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