I do understand I have every justifiable reason to have trust issues. Especially in relationships. I even deal with Relationship OCD.

But the issue is how it completely ruins the happiness for me.

My bf (19) and I, 19 (nb), have been going out going on 2 months now. That’s not a long time. As of rn it’s long distance bc he’s in training. And I constantly overthink everything he does.

When we first started dating we would talk nonstop from 6pm (1800) to 1030pm (2230). Rarely not talking to one another. But recently he’s been taking longer and longer to reply.

It’s nothing crazy like hours upon hours, but its reached 40 minutes before which isn’t like him. And when he is busy or gaming he’ll atleast tell me and he hasn’t done that at all.

I’m not saying he’s cheating, and I don’t think he is. But my mind wanders to every possibility. What if he’s bored of me? What if he’s losing feelings? Etc etc.

And I hate it. I hate that I always assume the worst.

When I begin to overthink like this it completely wipes out the honeymoon phase feelings for me. And I’m stuck in the next stage of where do I see this going? Is he happy with me? Am I happy with him? Yadda yadda. While he still seems to be in that honeymoon stage of our relationship.

I do love him, and he makes me very happy. I just- hate that I can’t seem to trust him..

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