What do you think is the “perfect age” and why?

  1. 50 is the perfect age for me because it’s been a wonderful year. My opinion may change when I hit 51.

  2. 25 because (normally) you still have your mental faculties and a strong ability to learn. you’re also at peak physical health. you’ve experienced a lot and made painful mistakes, and by now you understand that taking risks is important. the world still seems a bit mysterious, but not too much. the feeling of more to come.

  3. When we were in our teens, my friend asserted that the perfect age is 30.

    The argument went thusly: 30 is old enough to be settled starting to make more than subsistence-level paychecks. But, 30 is young enough to still have good health and good looks.

    Plus, have you ever looked through the “Watchtower” magazine that the JWs leave on your doorstep? Flip through ’til you find the pictures of people in heaven. Sure, there’ll be a token old person and a couple of kids in the picture, but how old do most of the people look?

    That’s right, they look to be about 30. (They also look like JWs, but never mind that part…)

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