im very bad with socializing. i cant tell what people are thinking, i cant read facial expressions, and i cant read the room.

so heres my issue, i was in school and in my government class we had a debate. It was a class debate on how we should choose our president (im american) and i got put on the side of the national popular vote. Now i felt i was doing pretty good until the end where something weird happened, they had been bringing up points the entire time and i feel as though we were refuting them pretty well and that they were running out of points to make, until it got to the end where one guy on the opposite team said something along the lines of “it just doesnt make sense its got too many problems” and i said back “what problems?” and it went dead silent for a full 10 seconds before the teacher said ” i think thats a good open ended question to end this debate with” and the debate ended.

now i have no idea what that means, were they thinking “we’ve been explaining the problems this entire time why dont you get it you idiot??” or something else. Its genuinely bothering me as i have no idea what this means.

1 comment
  1. Don’t overthink it. He wasn’t specific enough with the too much problems, and you asking is to clarify.

    He can’t expect you to understand what he means just by that text alone, without any extra context to which problems is too much problems.

    Also, stop gvg a fuck of what ppl think of you, it’s something beyond ur control.

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