Tldr; me[16f] and my brother[16m] are different from the rest of the family appearance wise and I’ve come to suspect a few things

Me and my twin brother are a lot taller than the rest of our family. We look different and I think we are adopted. I mean obviously there’s the whole “genetics are weird” thing but I doubt it happens twice with twins. I have 3 other brothers and they fit in well with the rest of the family but I feel me and my brother stick out a bit and I feel people notice. Or maybe I’m being insecure because I do have anxiety and worry about many things.

I’ve asked my mum about this before and she got upset with me so I haven’t touched on it again. I have a theory that my parents might have lost a child and adopted us to cope. There are pictures of my mum pregnant with us and her with twins at the hospital but I think there must have been some accident that made their bio kids die, then maybe a friend or someone was pregnant and couldn’t look after their kids and they were twins too so they took us in. I know I sound crazy, my minds been a bit wild recently after hearing about that Lu€y Letby case it caused me to question.

I don’t know what to do about this or how to find out if we are or not. I’ve talked to my brother about this and he just laughed and said I was thinking to deep on it. I just need advice on what to do really

Relationship length: 16 years

  1. You say there’s photos of your mum with baby twins – do they look like you? If you have a complete photo record of your entire life with your family, you’re probably not adopted. It’s very unlikely someone who’d literally just lost baby twins would immediately adopt another pair of babies the same age, even assuming there was a pair available to adopt and they’d be allowed to do so.

  2. You can try, but I think it might be more helpful to talk to other family members about the appearance and traits of extended family. You will especially want to look at your grandparents on both sides, and your great-grandparents. Don’t be afraid to ask for a funny stories about your family, it’s great to find out more about where you came from and the family members who came before you.

    Sometimes you are genetics might skip a generation, or even two, but you should be able to find some people that you are related to.

    When you are older, if you still feel very insecure about it, you can take a genetic test to try and find your family and figure out more.

  3. > There are pictures of my mum pregnant with us and her with twins at the hospital but I think there must have been some accident that made their bio kids die, then maybe a friend or someone was pregnant and couldn’t look after their kids and they were twins too so they took us in.

    You do realize that’s a lot more farfetched than you and your brother just… looking different? I guess you could do a DNA test if it’s that important to you.

  4. Are you the eldest kids? Best start with digging through photo albums, also the ones relatives have (parents siblings and grandparents). Big chance you’ll find an ancestor that looks more like you. There have been a few biracial twins who ended up looking from different races because they each inherited different coloring. They were still related to both parents as there were DNA tests involved, so it can happen.

    That case of the nurse is something that is quite unique. She was looking after her own goals. Switching babies wouldn’t really get her much, usually these types are trying to be heroes who saved the day in difficult situations.

    So maybe ask your mom if you can get some help for your anxiety as it’s getting in your head a bit and you need some better coping tools.

  5. Hi there.. I’m adopted. Most adoptions are expensive.. and the potential parents wait a long time.. they usually have fertility issues.. so the fact that you have lots of siblings, seems to me that at least your mom is your mom.. but maybe your dad isn’t who you think he is.. this could account for why you look different, and why your mom got so upset.

  6. Have you thought of the other option? Maybe your mom cheated and go pregnant with you and you take after his side of the family?

  7. I’d find a way to leave it be.

    If you are their natural kids, pressing will make everyone uncomfortable and make you look unstable.

    If you are not, there’s a tragedy in the background, which will stir up a lot of discomfort.

    There’s not a lot to be gained right now. Let the information come through in its own time.

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