So two women I know in my social circle asked me out after a bit of back and forth flirting, but I’m not sure what to do as they asked within days of each other and I said yes to both but they’re friends.

I’m 26 one is around 22 and the other we have the same birthday and are the same age.

Do I let them both know, or do I just keep it to myself? The dates are almost back to back which is what makes me nervous, one Saturday at 2pm and the other Saturday at 7pm.

  1. Tell them you are not in the headspace for an exclusive relationship and if they are okay wjth this.

  2. Tread carefully my friend lol, personally I will let them know. What if date 1 goes really well, would you bail on her to go on a date with her friend lol?

  3. i wouldnt say anything. their friendship is not your business. they asked you out and you accepted because you wanted to go on a date with them.

  4. Just hang out altogether (with other friends also?) a few times more and hopefully you can figure out who you want to go out with? – because you said you wanted an exclusive relationship

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