I was with someone on and off for about three years . During the relationship I wasn’t valued until I made attempts to leave . My ex used to show interest in women who has a totally opposite look and physique than me . Towards the end he cheated with another woman . I don’t to say anymore is prettier than me but she was. She also had the physique he preferred. I understand that she was probably what he wanted in a partner and that’s fair that’s life . But the cheating broke me and to see she was given the things I wanted . I’m not bitter but I’m broken . it’s almost a year and a half I’ve dated no one , I’ve worked out , dated myself and just try to heal . I’m mid 20s I’d like to date again but there are times my confidence is really low and I’m scared. I’f there’s any advice on getting back out there I’d love some . Thank you ❤️

  1. Well first if I may say your ex is an asshole for cheating. If he couldn’t see how amazing you are it’s his loss. I’m also in a similar boat but a bit different. It’s been two years I’ve been single and I’ve wanted to get back out there as well

  2. Also if I may, don’t do it for anyone else but yourself. We have to have fun and love who we are before loving anyone else ❤️

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