What’s your worst brother/sister in law story, and how do you put up with them?

  1. When 45 became president, my SIL told me ‘to pack my shit and get back to where I came from’ (I’m from Germany). Blocked her and BIL’s numbers and all social media. Haven’t seen/talked to them since. Happy life!

  2. My sister’s husband is trash and a horrible person for a billion reasons. But my pettiest reason for disliking him he wore a tshirt that said “my other ride is your mother” to my 2 year old’s birthday party. Mostly because he would have lost his shit if someone did that in front of his kids.

    My husband’s sister is a user and took full advantage of our home and car, while going back to her parents and talking shit about us. That stopped after she showed up to our son’s birthday, drunk AF and proceeded to trash talk her brother, loudly, in front of everyone. I cussed her up one side and down the other. We no longer speak.

    We also don’t have parties for the kids anymore because, just no.

  3. My sister in law told her brother, right in front of me, that she was bummed he’s not dating an Asian girl.

    She was surprised that I’m not Asian even though I’m from an island in the pacific.

  4. I have two. One sister in law is amazing.

    The other thinks because we both have babies and I stay at home she can drop her 3 kids off at any time. She has also spanked my daughter on multiple occasions

  5. I’m a guy, but this one is a dousey. Brother in law was a pseudo intellectual over-acheiver who was overly impressed with himself. One of those guys with a permanent smirk.

    Wanted to make a speech during our wedding ceremony. It turned out to be mostly about himself and his accomplishments. I threw up in my mouth.

    His wedding present… A framed copy of his speech. I’m divorced.

  6. My sister in law used to live with us in a 2 br apartment. 6 of us in total, my parents,my brother, her, me nephew and me. It was super packed but we made do. She was just a teenager when she got pregnant and they could not afford to move out. I was about 15, she was 18, my brother was 21.

    My parents were terrible at tech and mostly absent due to substance abuse so the Internet was my brother’s business. There’s only one functional computer among the three of us and it’s in their room. The router and modem were in their room. They locked their room when they went out. I needed the computer and Internet to do my school work. One time my mom helped break into their room using a spare key for me to use the computer while they were on holiday. They found out, didn’t confront me or do anything. Then the next time I used the computer again there was a password and the hint was “only f#ckers enter other people’s room without permission”

    Wow sorry I couldn’t contact you while you were overseas and sorry I wanted to use a shared computer in my own house for some school work.

    I tried telling them not to put the shared computer or modem etc in their room but they insisted that’s the only set up that works. Something like the wire doesn’t extend to the living room and whatever bullshit

    They also insisted that leaving the router and modem on 24/7 cost too much electricity so even after I saved up for a laptop they still wouldn’t give me Internet.

  7. BIL was and is very mentally unstable. But unfortunately his family and by default he hold a lot of prejudices in admitting and seeking help for mental health.

    He can really turn on a violent rage

    I was 8+ months pregnant. Something he had a disdain for.

    I asked him to turn down the deafening music when I walked into in-laws where I was expected and welcome.

    Cue blood boiling rage in BIL 0-150mph

    I was all alone with him in the house and he stormed to the kitchen. Throwing everything around.

    Internally I was thinking OMG he’s getting a knife to stab me with. I was in no physical condition to run or fight back.

    Then I snapped back into my brain. I walked out and back to my car. Got in my car and locked the doors till inlaws returned in a few minutes.

    FIL was so pissed about him going off on me and stressing me out

  8. My (thankfully) now former SIL told my brother, in front of all of us, at a family party, how she wished he were [insert name of her ex boyfriend] and wondered what he was up to these days. We were all like UM EXCUSE ME?

    She also told my brother she hated coming to my house because she couldn’t feel the Holy Spirit there (actually disliked me because I’m a pagan).

  9. My sister-in-law never told my brother about all the casual invitations I extended to them for family get-togethers etc. He went ballistic when he found out. It boomeranged om her because my brother and I are now closer than ever.

  10. When my SIL and I had a big blow up in 2020 she disagreed with a point I had made about social distancing and keeping kids virtual (she didn’t like that the first week of in person school had been pushed back a week or two) we had an explosive argument. She called my mom several bad names. And we didn’t speak a word to each other for a year and a half. I’m cordial with her and every now and then I try to mend things but it’s best for my mental health if I keep my distance.

  11. My BIL (husband’s brother) is the worst person I’ve ever met. I don’t want to give him any more of my head space by listing all the ways I loathe him. My hubby looked up to him and used to take his side at all times. I didn’t have the resources at the time to deal with it.

    There was finally an incident bad enough that hubs finally understood. Been three or four years since we had any contact with him and it’s been wonderful.

  12. One of my brother in laws in an addict and he’s always asking my husband for stuff… we just ignore him

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