When I say “negative” I mean heavier topics that may cause slight uneasiness (eg talking about an ex, negative events on the news)

Is there any other uneasy topics that aren’t too heavy, that would Be fine for discussing on early dates?

  1. 1. If they want to have kids or not
    1. Religion
    1. Family (it might be heavy for some, completely casual for others)

  2. I know it’s supposedly taboo, but get religion & politics out of the way early. There’s no point in wasting time on someone ideologically incompatible with you. Don’t be a nutcase or obsessive, but these are some cards that need to be laid on the table. Honestly, I’d want to know about this *before* the first date, but that depends on how you met the person.

  3. Everything. You are dating this person. You shouldn’t have walls up. Let the conversations flow naturally and be honest about who you are.

  4. All topics are fine. If we are on a date, its because I want to get to know you to be a life partner.

    If I wasn’t comfortable talking about something with someone, there wouldn’t be a first date.

  5. Bring up things like the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp shit show.

    Pretty much anything that would our her as a woman who automatically places fault on anyone with a penis.

    You don’t want to associate with those women at all.

  6. I’d say don’t hold back, when something is important for you. It will still be important to you when you may get together with that person, so why try and hide that? Now that being said, there is little merit in breaking the flow of a conversation just to shove your hot takes into someone’s face, but when such a topic comes up I’d go with that, to honestly show where I stand on these things.

    With that being said: A lot of subjects of importance – whether they actually are or not – have been tied to ones ego. The reason why that makes things difficult is because if someone were to not agree or straightup reject a certain notion, it becomes a rejection of the person holding that opinion – which obviously hits harder than just a “regular” difference in opinion. *Why am I saying all of this*? Because if you do talk about more spicy topics it is worth understanding a difference in opinion can be perceived and think about how this can impact the date.

  7. There really is no thing to heavy or too light. It is all about the vibe you have.

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