Some cultures have a right of passage to adulthood. Some a ceremony, some a test of manhood. Simply turning 18 is just another birthday. If America had a right of passage what would it be? Is there such a thing? If you could institute such a thing what might it look like?

  1. *rite

    I saw this show once about a village somewhere in Africa and their rite of passage for the boys was jumping over a row of cows. Also they were naked when they did this.

    Anyway, I don’t see the need. People are different and to each their own.

  2. Beyond what we have now, that I could turn *into* a cultural rite? Voting, hopefully.

  3. Given what I’ve seen lately, just around? Take a business call, on your phone, using it as a phone, without rescheduling it or otherwise putting it off. 🙂

  4. Every time I watch a historical drama, I’m reminded that I’ll never experience being a debutante or going to my first ball as a “women who can get married” because now I wear long skirts and my hair up in a bun

  5. You’re an adult when you don’t complain about or get confused by filling taxes.

    And by complain I mean “why weren’t we taught how to do this?” Type complaining. Complaining about owing money is very adult

  6. Drivers license at 16, voting/becoming an official adult at 18, being able to drink/enter bars at 21

  7. I mean the way American society is structured you’ll firstly get your license then graduate high school and then go on to university and then hopefully graduate university and at some point in between of all of this the majority will will purchase their first car, and buy alcohol.

  8. We already do! Its when you get your first paycheck and learn the difference between “Net” and “Gross” pay. Im only half joking too, every one does the simple $*x* per hour multiplied by *y* hours worked = “im going to buy soooo much shit”. Even when you consider it will be taxed you dont do THAT math and just assume itll be a little short. Then u get the check and reality sinks in. Welcome to adulthood.

  9. I would say working a job. Some people don’t have a license to ~~kill~~ drive or have not graduated high school but are still seen as adults. Not working a job has a strong negative stigma attached to it.

  10. License at 16. First legal drink at 21.

    For military- buying a jacked up truck at 23% interest and getting married to your future ex wife.

  11. I would not institute one, I think it would go against the culture of personal freedom and self determination, but that’s just me.

  12. Getting your own credit card under your own name, and creating a bank account without your parents supervision.

    You become a real adult when you get your own Credit and Debit card. They come with great responsibility.

  13. If you’re rolling with the “manhood” idea?

    I’d say learning to make fire. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of gathering the right “ingredients” out of the wilderness, with nothing but your own wits and hands, constructing a friction bow, and making a nice campfire for yourself.

    The first time you do it you will feel like the champion of the world.

    It’s kind of nice to have the feeling in the back of your mind that if there’s ever an apocalypse, you’ll be a good addition to the team by learning how to make fire whenever and wherever.

  14. looking forward to your 25th birthday so your car insurance goes down…

    4 more months baby

  15. Getting a driver’s license and use of a car is a pretty huge milestone of independence for teens.

  16. How about a high school graduation ceremony? It’s got the advantage that we already do it.

  17. A lot of religious groups in the United States have either de facto or formalized passages to adulthood. I’m not LDS, but I know that’s part of the reason the missionary system exists. I’m sure other faith traditions have this too.

  18. Prolly walking on your hands across hot coals or surviving consumption without meds

  19. I don’t really know about anyone else. But I consider myself and others adults when they buy their first gun.(if they plan on it.)

  20. My parents took me to Vegas for my 21st and they’re doing it for my brother too this year, I think that’s pretty close to a rite of passage

  21. High school graduation and prom seem to be the two major events of transition to adulthood.

  22. In my experience your dad sitting and drinking with you happens at 18. Sure underage kids get alcohol, but 18 is usually the first time your dad will give you a beer and sit with ya or something

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