if I stand in a corner at a party, will girls approach me if I’m tall or good looking?
I’m short (5’7) and girls never aproach me so It’s understandable but I would like to know how It works with tall or good looking guys if they stand in a corner at a party. Would girls just start random talks with them or would they just ignore just as they do to me.

I’m 21 btw and sorry for the bad english.

  1. I’m a girl but when I was single, I never approached guys. I waited for them to approach me first lol maybe that’s your problem

  2. Girls wouldn’t approach a guy who’s over 6ft if he stood in the corner at a party. You have to at least make yourself look like you’re interested in engaging with people. Standing alone in the corner gives off “don’t talk to me” vibes

    My advice would be to treat Men and women equally. Just aim to make friends. If nothing happens romantically, then at least you made a friend!

  3. I was backpacking and in Australia and I was approached twice which was 10 years ago and I will never forget.

    As a man getting approached is super rare

  4. If a girl wants you, she will put herself in your presence or straight up start a convo with you. It doesn’t matter where you’re standing.

    What you need to do is be fun. No one wants to talk to a guy with a scowl on their face at a party or a weird dude. Be opening and have a smile on while you walk through the party and interact with people. Girls will see you’re a fun looking guy and they might make their presence known to you more. If not, just go up and start random convos with girls – even if not to flirt. Just nice convos with new people.

    Your partying experience will be better.

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