I’m a lady, 29 years old, I’ve been having sex for a while, not as long as you’d think though, and I am very sexual. Big exhibitionist, very very attracted to men, especially the guy I’m seeing right now. Not only have I never had an orgasm with a guy, I haven’t even been close. Like not even playing the same game. I think a big part of it could be biological because I have literally the smallest clit you’ve ever seen, so depressing, but I’m hoping I can find a way to change the feeling I have during sex. Which again, is nothing. I could be playing candy crush noiselessly while a guy or girl went down on me or fucked me. It kind of hurts at first then just feels like…like it’s just numb. Any sexual act feels the same. Can you make yourself orgasm though, I’m sure you’re asking. I can, but I can only cum with my legs firmly closed tight and pressure being applied broadly to the top of my vagina, way above the actual clit, through a layer of clothing. So nothing one would do during sex can really accommodate that. Is there a reason this could be happening I’m not seeing? Are there positions I should be trying? Oh I also have full orgasms when I have sex dreams, which is fairly often. Anyway, it all makes me feel like shit because I have to kind of lie with my noises and reactions and all that, when inside I’m like doo doo dee doop doop hope he’s done soon. I crave sex and intimacy so much but then when it comes to the physical act it’s suuuuch a disappointment. Help

  1. It is normal for everyone to experience sex differently, and it is common for people to have a difficult time reaching orgasm or feeling pleasure during sexual activity. There are many factors that can affect a person’s ability to experience pleasure during sex, including physical, psychological, and emotional factors. Some possible reasons why you may be having difficulty feeling pleasure during sex include:

    Physical factors: The size of your clitoris or other physical aspects of your body may affect your ability to feel pleasure during sex. In addition, certain medical conditions or medications can interfere with sexual pleasure.

    Psychological factors: Past experiences, stress, anxiety, or other psychological factors can affect a person’s ability to feel pleasure during sex.

    Emotional factors: Relationship issues, lack of emotional connection with your partner, or other emotional factors can affect a person’s ability to feel pleasure during sex.
    If you are having difficulty feeling pleasure during sex, it may be helpful to talk to a healthcare provider or a therapist who can help you address the underlying causes and find solutions.

    In the meantime, you can try experimenting with different positions and techniques, communicating with your partner about what feels good, and finding ways to relax and feel more comfortable during sex.

  2. Try playing with yourself during sex or even take some time to explore your own body and then teach your man or tell him how you wanna be touched.

    Plus there are stimulating creams on the market where you apply it on your clit and it will be tingly and all that stuff. She had that issue too but that apparently helped.

    And mayyybe it’s because of your man. Some will make you cum more instantly as they have more experience or took some time to learn the anatomy of a women. Maybe it’s not particularly your fault but his. 🙂

  3. Keep panties on – so you have layer of cloathing and do prone bone position – to have your legs closed. And have your man touch you or touch yourself?

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