What’s a quote from a movie that absolutely wrecked you?

  1. Billy Sunday: What the hell did he ever say to make you try so hard?

    Carl Brashear: Be the best.

    Billy Sunday: Well, you are.

    Men of Honor

  2. *You all have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it OK for guys to call you sluts and whores.* – Mean Girls

  3. “Do you think God stays in heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he’s created here on earth?”

  4. Lord of the ring Frodo and Lady Galaxdriel in the woods

    “Frodo , you are the ring bearer; if you don’t find a way, no one will”

  5. Not even a quote. The look on William Wallace’s (Mel Gibson’s) face when he realizes Robert the Bruce betrayed him.

    That look perfectly captures the way I felt when I realized my first marriage was ending because she wasn’t going to follow through on what she’d promised. I couldn’t watch that movie for 3 years.

  6. “you stay. I go. No following”

    *Memory of boy saying “you are who you choose to be”*


    -Big iron Giant

  7. Rising of the shield hero, episode 4.

    Naofumi: “why are you hanging around just to get one last look at the loser’s face? Please, just leave me alone!”

    It cut deep because I’ve been there. Hurt. Scared. Broken. Desperate but too afraid to take an outstretched hand because I’d been wronged so fucking many times by people claiming they wanted to help. It’s like you can’t even think anymore because your mind is just reeling. Like being in a state of free fall.

    It’s when you truly know you’ve hit rock bottom. But the lesson you have to learn when you’re at that point is that there is no lower. At least, not one that you can come back from later. Your best and only real option is to stand on rock bottom, plant your fucking feet, and push back with everything you have left.

  8. “There’s no such thing as happy endings…all endings are sad, especially if the story was happy”

  9. It may not count, but as a kid I was watching a bioshock video and I saw this.

    “No gods or kings, only man”

    And I only thought, yes; it was a very religious area under a socialist dictatorship, you have no idea how much that resonated and still resonates with me, I left with nothing looking for the land of no gods nor kings, and now I live in Finland.

  10. Marriage Story came out right around the time my ex-wife left me basically out of the blue. During the fight scene, when he said “You and I both know that you chose this life. You wanted it until you didn’t. You used me… and then you blamed me for it.”

    Whew did that one hit home.

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