(13m) As in the title, I have some problems with the theme friends.

The main thing here is the one friend I know from 4 class.
He was basically a nice guy and I liked him very much until, by time he became more racist, anti-gay and too disrespectful.
He is still in my class and found some other friends(who were cool too until they met him btw)and they encourage each other to say uncool things.
They kinda turned to a machine that disrespects ppl who are against it, sticks to its opinion and develop fast.
He disrespects me too but weirdly, he then is nice to me so it gets me thinking and not knowing what to do.
I can’t talk about what I want cuz I’m afraid of them making fun of me, so I currently hang out with the two other friends who are cool.
I don’t know how to proceed this kind of relation.
Pls Help

1 comment
  1. You can be friends with people you disagree with, in fact the disagreements can allow for each of you too grow. If they push, push back.

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