So recently I’ve been talking to this girl that I may be developing feelings for and she says somethings that I don’t perceive as hints but might be.

You see, ***I’m not a rather intelligent person when it comes to these things***\*,\* so i have trouble processing this stuff. Over the span of multiple relationships I of course talked to the person beforehand, and they would always throw hints at me, yet I never realized and still don’t. I’m possibly just a little dumb but I seriously cant figure it out. ***So bad, in fact, a girl had said that she liked me and I responded with “Yeah, I know, I’m like the coolest ever.”*** and perceiving it as a joke, ***it took her to write a whole full sentence for me to understand that she was telling me she was in love with me.***

So, I’m asking you guys, hopefully to get some help. N***ow, she is a really sweet and funny girl, always reassuring me and complimenting me when needed, also supporting me through my depression and just plain old issues***, but enough of the sob story, here is a couple of things she said that may or may not be hints. *(Just to make it clear, me and her are NOT in a relationship, currently at leas).*

***”i want like, some fucking golden retriever bf”***

***”im literally the most datable person in our class.”***

\*\*\*”i don’t understand how ppl aren’t falling for me left and right like omfg” (\*\*\*this is after i had said that she my best friend in the world and she was way better than anybody else and better looking”

\*\*\*”but like talking to you is like talking to a therapist but it’s not awkward” (\*\*\*Best compliment ever)

*She says:* ***”you know you love me”*** *for that i respond with* ***”i didnt know how to respond to this***\*”, after this she says\* ***”yeah i know, its not everyday ppl get to talk to pretty girls like me”***

I hope you guys can help me out, and maybe give me some advice to, thanks!

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