So I’ve been seeing this chick that one of our mutual friends set us up, for like 3 weeks now. Been on 2 dates that went great. Then a few days ago she invited me over to her place to hangout for a little bit and she cooked me dinner. Then when we left we kissed and went our separate ways for the night.

I had a busy day the next day and didn’t get a chance to text her. But ended up texting her last night at like 8pm to see how her day was, and now I haven’t heard a thing back in over 12 hours. I totally get that people are busy, but is there something I’m missing?

  1. So, do I understand that you didn’t text her for 24-36 hours after your last date, and now you’re wondering why she hasn’t responded in 12?
    Maybe she was sleeping for 6-8 hours of that time…or working, or studying…
    12 hrs is really not a long time

  2. Im a guy so take it with a grain of salt but im guessing she wanted you to sleep over or at least make a move. And then you didnt text her for a day and a half. The mix of embarrassment and confusion tends to make girls cold and distant. Ive been there lol…

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