What constitutes an open marriage?I’ve posted here before and got lambasted.

Said post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Marriage/comments/zf8vob/soon_to_be_wife_33_confessed_to_sleeping_with_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

why was it ok for my fiancé (33) to sleep with a married man in an open relationship when she was single?

I’ve been contemplating about seducing the wife of the married man in order to get over my sleepless nights. I’ve come to learn that the married man is away on a business trip until after the holidays. And been thinking of soliciting his wife through social media.

I know this could go both ways, but would trying it for myself to see if it is indeed a morally unsound act or if its really fine, as long as everyone consents?

  1. So she didn’t sleep with this man while you were together right? This was before you two were together?

    That couple chose to have an open marriage. Do you and your fiancee have an open relationship?

    If you two have an open relationship, then ok.

    If you guys aren’t in an open relationship, why do you want to cheat on her just because she slept with someone else before you two were even together?
    If you’re this insecure about her past, you need to look into some therapy because she hasn’t done anything wrong.

    I don’t get it lol. This can’t be real.

  2. You seem to be having a major issue with your soon to be wife having morals or not. This has nothing to do with the husband and wife who choose to live the way they choose.

    This is a you and fiancé issue and you’ll have to decide if that’s the type of moral character you want in your wife. Good luck 🍀

  3. Can i just try to understand?
    Your soon to be wife had a story with a married man while you were dating?
    Or were you not dating already?

    If yes, she had an afair and cheated on you, means dont get married.

    If not, how is that your freaking problem?

    And even if it were, you’re choosing to cheat as a “get better” option? If you got problems with her morals, i’m not certain cheating is the solution.

    What will it be?

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