I’m an international student and my university provides some insurance/healthcare thing.

I’m not sure how healthcare works in the states, apparently there is something called network/provider where one can only access doctors that their insurance pays?

Where can I see what my insurance provides? It’s Wellfleet.

  1. Whatever insurance company should have a list of in network providers and costs of deductibles and co-pays etc

    Should be on there website.

  2. See r/healthinsurance. There should be a document describing the feature of your insurance plan.

    Every plan will have some things that are limited to “medically necessary”. It takes a bit of medical knowledge to know whether any specific procedure qualifies. But an easy example is that they’ll pay for a surgical lens replacement for a cataract but not just to improve your vision because you don’t like eyeglasses.

  3. You can get a declarations statement that will detail it all. If you weren’t given a physical packet upon enrollment you should have been given a login to a portal where all of your account information can be found. Including aforementioned declarations

  4. You should be able to sign up for an account on their website with information on your insurance card. Once you sign up and log on, there should be a place on their website that says what they cover.

  5. Every provider has to give you a summary of benefits and make their provider network available. Your best bet is to contact them and ask where to get that information.

  6. So every insurance plan is going to be a little bit different; the school/employer will have a custom plan negotiated. We can’t just tell you what yours provides without the explanation documents.

    There will be a website provided by the insurance company where you can look up doctors to see if they are “in network” (the network here being a payment network that various medical offices have established with the insurance provider). Another important thing to pay attention to is the “copay” which is the minimum you’ll have to pay.

    Hopefully your school has someone on hand to explain all this to the international students.

    Yeah it sucks. Sorry.

  7. When you need a doctor, you’d google something like “Wellfleet providers near me.”

    Usually, you’ll be directed to the company site where you can select what services you need and how far you’re willing to travel.

    Then, you’ll get a list of doctors near you that are accepting new patients. From there, it’ll list an office number to call.

    When you call the office, simply tell them you have insurance with Wellfleet and would like to make an appointment to see the doctor.

    You would then give them your information and they will verify with the insurance company before your visit. They’ll contact you before your appointment if there is any issues with the acceptance of your insurance.

  8. On top of what everyone else is saying, reach out to your school’s advisor – they likely know how to work with your specific accounts (or at the very least know who to talk to)

  9. Life/Health insurance agent here.

    I can’t give specific advice since I’m not licensed in New York. But speaking generally most plans have a “network” of approved doctors. You can still go to other doctors, but your insurance is going to cover a lot less of the bill. You’ll be stuck with the rest.

    If you stay in-network your insurance might end up covering the whole bill, and you’ll only pay something like $10 out of your own pocket.

  10. They almost all have a portal where you can make a login. It’ll have things like a search for various kinds of providers in your with reviews and so on, a portal where you can get copies of the paperwork detailing the plan, etc….

  11. If you got your insurance through the Affordable Care Act, go to your insurance provider’s website. If it’s your first time, you’ll likely have to create an account.

    Once you’re in your account, there should be a document that you can download that contains a summary of your benefits. If for whatever reason you can’t locate the document/brochure, just give your insurance provider a call. They’ll likely be able to email you the brochure and they can go over your coverage with you.

    Also, you probably should have received a paper brochure in the mail. It usually arrives within the first month of enrollment.

  12. You can go right to [the source.](https://wellfleetstudent.com/)

    Health providers are part of certain insurers’ “networks.” On Wellfleet’s site (the link above) should be a list of the providers in their network or a “Find A Provider” link. Any of those listed will honor your insurance. You can really go to any doctor, but those that are “out of network” (don’t take Wellfleet) will cost you more and you may not be reimbursed, at least as much as you’d get by staying in-network.

    If you make an account at the site, you can log in, see claims and handle customer service-type stuff.

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