Need help and advice. I am a 32yo male who is recently divorced. I have 2 kids with my ex but I’m having trouble working out if I’m limiting myself by been picky about age when OLD.

It feels odd for me to be looking at women who are younger than my ex. She’s 30 and it feels strange looking a potential partners younger than her especially with having kids.

Am I been ridiculous or is this something others have experienced?

  1. I think it goes without saying that opening up your age range will have an impact on how many matches you will get. But only you can decide what age range you are prepared to date. Its worth knowing that there are many women in their mid to late 20s who enjoy dating men in their 30s. So i wouldnt write off everyone under the age of 30, just because your ex wasnt much younger than yourself. My advice would be to open up to ages 25+. You never know how youll feel until you actually meet someone.

  2. Personally I think you’re really limiting it, 2 years is not much of a difference. Like the other commenter said, 24-25+ is reasonable to look at. And even at that age everyone has a different maturity level depending on their own life experiences.

    I’m 27 and my boyfriend of over a year is 35, and it works for us. I don’t feel the age gap unless he’s referring to some saturday morning cartoon he used to watch as a child haha.

    But in the end it’s really up to you, everyone has a different standard for what is comfortable for them, the gap that’s considered normal in their community etc. I’d say give it a shot and if it didn’t work out your can always limit the age range again.

  3. I’d say don’t look at age way too much. While _age is just a number,_ don’t go into extremes either: don’t become some cub to desperate cougars, but don’t become that creepy guy hanging out by the local high schools either searching for newly minted 18 year olds.

  4. I’m 33 and my gf is 29. We’re almost exactly 4 years apart. Been seeing her for about a year. It’s only getting better

  5. You’re yielding one of men’s only strengths in the market, which is the option to date down in age.

    But it might be worth it to you in this instance.

  6. Yeah I’m in a slightly similar situation and have dated 25-30 year olds and its a lot of teaching and differences. I prefer keeping it at my age or older.

  7. You don’t have to really worry about it. Having two kids will be a deal breaker for a lot of younger women.

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