What’s your favorite piece of trivia?

  1. More people are **killed** every year by deer attacks (not car accidents, deer actually attacking people) than people attacked by sharks.

  2. The capitalist thing about making a product that last only few years was after light bulb (it’s called planned obsolescence). People used to fabricate things to last the biggest amount of time possible. Edison made a light bulb that lasted 1500h and it was a success. But everything changed when a group of different enterprises (Philips was one of them) made an agreement that established that the maximum duration was 1000h and penalized the companies that didn’t follow the rule. So after that, every company saw the profits and started doing it. And now we have products that if they last more than 5 years you should be grateful.

  3. The **pitcher** with the greatest strike out record *against* the New York Yankees was… Babe Ruth.

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