Men who’ve found their ‘forever-wife’. What’s the FULL story?

  1. Meet in highschool, dated, didn’t know any different, married at 20 and 21, been together since.
    Not perfect but happy, successful, we are quite complementary to each other, three kids, 4 business, the “American dream”.

  2. I found her in 1997 due to a series of increasingly serendipitous events and lost her in 1999 due to a series of increasingly questionable personal choices.

    I haven’t spoken to her in more than 20 years and I’ve never been happy without her.

  3. Someone sort of asked this 19 hours ago here so I’m just going to cut and paste my earlier reply…

    I made a sarcastic comment in a computer lab in college. This year was 27 years married, 2 kids, youngest in college now.

    First, this was back before everyone had laptops. Most families barely had computers at all. So, at college, they had computer labs for the students. I was in one working on a programming project. A friend was the student admin running the check in desk. My wife (well, future wife, but easier for me to say wife after this) was sitting at another computer working on a paper. At this school, there was a reference library in the building. Problem was, you couldn’t remove any books so my wife had to keep saving her work, heading to the library to get more information for her paper, then come back with notes and keep working. After about the third or fourth time she did this, I turned to my friend and sarcastically said “Boy, she sure does get up and down a lot” and laughed. Without missing a beat, she turned to me and said “If you want to keep track of whether I go up or down, you need to marry me first.” She then turned and walked out of the room.

    No, I did not immediately take it as “challenge accepted”. No, I wasn’t anticipating the response. No, I didn’t follow up with any other comments. She came back a few minutes later and kept working on her paper. I kept working on my project. Unbeknownst to me, she knew my friend too as they had taken a couple electives together. She packed up and left a bit later and said goodbye to my friend so that was my clue that he knew her. Didn’t act on it though because I was young and stupid.

    My friend and I were part of a small group that hung out together. My friend invited my wife to join us a couple times and I was smitten. Again, young and stupid so I didn’t really do anything about it other than be nice. I’d give her rides home and to work (she lived with her parents, worked at the local mall), I’d pay extra attention to her at gatherings, that sort of thing. After a couple of months, we started doing things as just the two of us, but didn’t really make it official until we’d been out for dinner and an evening drive. We had parked to talk for a while and eventually kissed. After the kiss, we sort of looked at each other and said “I guess we need to make it official, huh?”.

    We moved in together after about a year. Dated for about 3 years before I proposed. Engaged for another 3 years or so before we got married. We both worked full time jobs for a couple years before we decided to start a family. She got pregnant and at around 7 months, her employer got bought out so she just stayed home. She’s been a stay at home mom ever since.

    She’s my partner, my best friend, my confidant, and my whole life. And none of that would have happened if I hadn’t made a sarcastic comment in a computer lab.

  4. Met online through chance, texted for a week then went on a date. We lived 4 hours apart, met up every weekend. Got married a year and change after we met. Still going 6 years later 🙂

  5. Isn’t every wife supposed to be a “forever wife”? If you didn’t think she’d be that, then why would you marry her?

    Anyway, I don’t have time for a full story but I met my wife more than 30 years ago in university. We just clicked. I understood her, and she understood me. We talked for hours, and then again the next night, and the next, and the next. We probably talked for 40 or 50 hours before we even went on a proper date.

    She’s also hot af.

  6. We (35m 34f) met in highschool and been together for nearly 20 years. She is really chill, layed back, and fun. We are a great parenting team. She is an avid gamer and outdoors enthusiast just like I am.

    I’m very grateful I found another atheist considering we live in the bible belt. We are very similar politically also. She is very smart and has several degrees. I love talking with her about anything and everything.

    We dislike different chores so it makes it very easy to equitably divide all the housework. I have always wanted to be a very involved dad and kind of the lead parent.

    She is a teacher so is often exhausted with being in charge of our kids. I’m more of the SAHD type. Which very few women around here are even ok with. Which is just another reason why I feel so lucky to have found her.

    We also have sex anywhere from 5-10 times a week. After nearly 20 years sex is still so awesome.

    I am ridiculously happy with her. I do not see an equal to our relationship often.

  7. Is a forever wife different than just a regular wife? Do we now need to be more specific when we get married? Is this a checkbox on the marriage license application?

  8. I’m a Jehovah’s Witness, and we only date/marry other JWs. We met in a discord server for arranging video game sessions over the pandemic. She wanted to play Portal 2, I hadn’t finished coop yet. We burned through 48/50 stages in an afternoon without a guide. Kinda chatted for two weeks, started oversharing, and before I knew it she asked me out. After I posted a cringe reaction-image thinking we were goofing. After that we just kept clicking and got married 1 year later. Life has just gotten better as time goes on, the only real stress being money and figuring out our communication.

    She’s one of the smartest people I know, creative and inquisitive, always pushing me out of my comfort zone to make me grow. Meanwhile I act as her counterbalance and slow things down before we collectively overextend. A better partnership than I could have ever even dreamed, let alone prayed for.

  9. Literally stalked my wife on a meme page, we both liked each others memes. Lemme slide in those DMs. LOL

    We lived in different countries so it evolved from friendly chatting to me coming to “hang out” to a long distance relationship.

    Now 8 years together and 6 years married.

  10. You’re not supposed to marry women who aren’t your ‘forever wife’, you fucking nut.

  11. Met her at the park playing lacrosse. Her daughter’s friend thought I was a Transformer. Asked her to go on a date and we decided then that for some reason we were meant to be together. Nice considering the first couple times she’s seen me I had 60lbs of equipment on in 100 degree heat, and was letting people shoot lacrosse balls at me for fun. 😀😀😀

  12. Who are you expecting to reply to this?

    There’s only 2 scenarios in which she’s a ‘forever wife’

    1. He dies first, in which case he won’t reply.
    2. They both die at the same time, in which case he won’t reply.

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