What drink do you usually order with your food?

  1. Depends on the food and time of day. I love ordering coffee, but if it’s like a restaurant I would order water or soda if I’m feeling a little extra.

  2. Depends on the food. If I’m having toast, it’s coffee. Fried chicken, steak, and barbecue are best paired with beer. And if I’m having chips or burgers, I’d say coca-cola. I don’t pair tea with anything, I just drink when I feel like it.

  3. Water. Or unsweet iced tea. Or beer. Or a cocktail. Depends on where we’re eating and the occasion.

  4. Typically, water but if I’m eating something spicy then I usually have a Diet Coke.

  5. Water usually, Hi-C orange if they have that (it’s rare) and alcohol if it’s appropriate and I’m not driving.

  6. Coffee for breakfast or brunch and water

    Water for lunch

    Water for dinners unless its a drinks and dinner kind of meet up

    very occasionally bubble tea or a pot of green tea if we are somewhere which serves those

  7. Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi if they don’t have Coke and if for some reason they don’t have either…lemonade preferably raspberry lemonade.

  8. For breakfast I get hot chocolate and/or orange juice with a water. I get either raspberry/whatever flavor tea they have or water otherwise

  9. Whatever diet drink they have if I’m with my kids. A cocktail or wine if I am with friends or a Meetup group.

  10. Morning – Coffee with breakfast, Lunch – Sprite/lemonade, Supper – Coke Zero or Tea

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