My (f29) boyfriend (m30) has slept with 100+ women in his past, and every couple of weeks/months a different one of them reaches out to him. He’s telling me that these girls are platonic acquaintances that he’s somewhat friendly with and that there’s nothing to worry about. It makes me very anxious/uncomfortable, even though he’s holding off on seeing them or not really replying to their messages out of respect for my discomfort. I’m not sure if that’s controlling on my part though. Any thoughts?

  1. A guy who’s been with 100+ women is:

    1. Lying about that
    2. Just using you to lose his virginity
    3. Not worthy to be the father of your children.

  2. People can stay friends after having sex. But for women from the past to be contacting him that frequently does not seem normal to me. These obviously weren’t long relationships if there were so many of them. Is he staying friendly with a high percentage of his one night stands? Maybe, but my suspicion is something else is going on here.

  3. Not me. If I’ve had sex with someone; the relationship is forever changed. If this guy has really been with 100 women and has that many lines of communication open, he’s not the man for you. He’s playing the field.

  4. If you trust him, then it doesn’t matter. I think it’s possible to just be platonic acquaintances, I have women from my past like that. And if he was promiscuous in the past, I don’t think that number means much. It sounds to me like he is respecting you, if he continues to respect you and gives you no reason to have doubts, then I wouldn’t worry. I know it’s probably hard not to be, but if you love and trust him, you can’t let this get in your head too much

  5. Yes they can. I’ve managed it twice, with two incredible people who I’m so thankful to still have in my life

  6. Many of my male friends are ex-boyfriends. Some I’ve known over 40 years. When you are close to someone in your life, some of the affection remains. I think it’s typical, but 100?

  7. Other peoples’ experience here is largely irrelevant, unless they’ve personally had experience with your BF.

    It all boils down to trust.

    > even though he’s holding off on seeing them or not really replying to their messages out of respect for my discomfort.

    Sounds like a stand-up thing to do.

    > I’m not sure if that’s controlling on my part though. Any thoughts?

    Say this to your BF. Communicate your feelings, otherwise they’ll just fester.

  8. Honestly, it just depends on maturity. I know tons of people (myself included) who are still friends with people they no longer have sex with.

  9. Sure I’ve had sex with a number of friends and remained friends after the sexual relationship ended

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