Usually happens when I’m tired but the whole vibe is totally off since the moment the convo starts with certain people. It seems like they ask questions just to ask questions? Some are so basic (i.e., “where do you live?”) yet they ask it more than once in the span of 5 minutes. It’s so weird and frustrating. Then when the convo is over I feel an intense disgust towards them…?

1 comment
  1. Next time you feel that way, stop and try your best to dig deep and find out whats going on. It is best in the moment though, as it is more likely to trigger your memory of what is causing the aggravation. It isnt easy to do or to remember sometimes but when you do, it feels relieving. Find out what you are feeling so passionate about that it is making you angry. Maybe these people remind you of something or someone that happened a long time ago and you have blocked it out. Or you just cant remember. Either way, there is always a reason to these emotions that we question. You just have to really control yourself, stop, think, feel it, and let it go.

    Good luck.
    Also, being tired always makes me crankier than norm. So thats always a thing. But the intensity of it might not be.

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