Well, I can even talk to girls and many are nice and polite, but it always happens that they always talk a lot about them while I always ask questions, but they are never interested in my life and I get sad about it. Many ask me for advice, say they like to talk to me, but although I always show interest in knowing about their lives, ask how their day was, show interest in their hobies, they never reciprocate by wanting to know things about me. Am I so uninteresting?

  1. Most people like talking about themselves. It’s a great way to keep a conversation going, just ask them questions about their life. With that said, no it’s not that you’re not interesting, maybe the girls you talk to are really self absorbed??? I dated a guy not too long ago and he never asked me anything about me, but loved talking about himself. It was a quick indicator of his lack of investment in ME and it didn’t last. If someone really cares there is a dialogue in both directions

  2. It seems like a lot of people can be self-absorbed these days. Plus if you’re asking a lot of questions, they can just spend the conversation just answering them. But a normal conversation would be returning the questions to you. Whether it’s a simple question like what’d you do this weekend- you answer and ask them what they did. That’s normal dialogue between people. Maybe try asking less if they aren’t returning any questions your way. Just talk about other things. People seem different these days- it’s definitely a “me” type of society we’re in unfortunately. But hopefully you find someone who can hold a conversation 🙂

  3. They just want to know how much money you have. Once they find out you don’t have very much you’re not very interesting to them.

  4. Our questions dictate our responses. Instead of asking why are girls not interested, why not ask how do I become more interesting so they want to know more about me?

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