I went on a date with this guy that was only talking and lasted less than an hour. He was definitely more into me than I was into him. He texts me that he wants to stop talking to his other matches which scared me off a little. I ghosted him which probably wasn’t the smartest choice on my part but I’m not sure how to tell him I’m not interested in dating him. He’s intelligent but we’ve got nothing in common

  1. Tell him what you just told us, that you have nothing in common. The irony is that you don’t want to hurt him with the truth, but ghosting someone is the worse than that. He’d appreciate your honesty so he can move on and start talking to other girls again. Don’t trap him in the horrible limbo of ‘mixed signals’ because you’re too weak to be honest.

  2. You both speak the same language, do you not? Say exactly what you said in this post but to him.

  3. You can pretty much take 90% of what you wrote here reword it a tiny bit and it would be perfect. I would add that you’re sorry for ghosting him. It’s OK that you’re not interested in him and as long as you are kind and respectful Then you did the absolute right thing.

  4. Ghosting is worse. Give him an honest answer. You can go easy like “hey so I had a good time and everything but I’m thinking this isn’t what I want right now”.

  5. >How do I tell a guy I lost interest in him?

    You say “Herschel, you were a great football player, but I’m sick of your shit”.

  6. Eh. He is taking way too far, too fast, with no encouragement. On this one, I’d just leave it where it is.

  7. Ghosting is childish and a dick move. Just say you enjoyed talking with him but you didn’t feel that spark towards a relationship and wish him the best.

  8. “Hey dude, I’m sorry but I don’t think this is working. You’re a good guy but we’ve got nothing in common and I’d rather be straight than ghost you <again>. I think we should end It here. Wish you all the best.”

  9. Just don’t ruin a good movie over it, it was just getting to the good part. Stupid ex. Turns out it wasn’t “time to make the chimi-fucking-changas”.

  10. If you’ve already ghosted him then leave it, damage is done

    In the future just send him a “had fun but just not feeling it, all the best” text

  11. Damn you didn’t have to cut him off. Now you’re just somebody that he used to know

  12. It was one date. It’s fine to ghost him. You don’t owe him anything.

    I don’t ghost people, but I also don’t think you owe anyone an explanation after one date. If he has issues with perception and can’t take a hint, that’s a him problem.

  13. The very last sentence of your post is probably the best thing you could say to him.

  14. ” I ghosted him”


    Okay, so what’s the problem now?

    Is ghosting immature? Sure but it gets the point across. Now unless the term “ghosted” had changed within the last 5 minutes there’s nothing more for you to do.

    You ghosted him. He now gets the point that you don’t want anything to do with him. Odds are he’s moving on. You NOW wanting to tell him why only benefits you and puts more salt into the wound with him.

    So don’t even bother and just use this experience as a lesson to better communicate in the future.

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