what makes a badass woman in your opinion?

  1. Someone who sticks up for herself and others. Who is firm and unwavering in her convictions, but also kind and compassionate. Who works hard for what she wants and doesn’t see other women as rivals or competition. Who treats everyone with dignity and respect, and demands the same in return.

  2. 1) They are feminists. There is nothing I love more than a woman who supports other women, even in the face of controversy.

    2) They own their natural features. I will never bash someone’s personal choice to get cosmetic procedures like plastic surgery, Botox, etc. However, I find it so empowering when a woman with unconventional features sticks with her looks instead of modifying them.

    3) They don’t gate-keep their wisdom. We live in a very competitive society, so if a woman is brave enough to share her wisdom and advice open and honestly to others, I feel like she’s badass. I think this goes back to point #1 about women supporting women.

    That’s basically it. Let me know what you guys think.

    Edit: idk why my text is like that, lmao

  3. Courage, kindness, and fairness.

    A shotgun also helps, but I’m American after all.

  4. A badass woman has gone through absolute hell, felt like everything was against her, been broken and beaten and hurt. Has walked away from her heart because she had to do that to get to a better place, has worked while trying to get a degree and take care of her family, and still manages to get up after every setback and keep going.

    So people who have made it out of abuse ( or are still fighting to survive), people who have made it out of substance addiction, people who can survive and make it with nothing but scraps, can make a whole meal from the dollar tree freezer section.The people who can make Thanksgiving and Christmas happen even when they are struggling to make ends meet. Single moms trying to take care of their babies and keep everything together. Those people are the real MVPs.

  5. She’s confident, knows what she wants, direct, fearless, honest and kind. She doesn’t give a damn about what others say or think..she’s here to claim her throne and build her empire.

  6. They stand up for themselves, have an own opinion and also voice it, fight for their rights (therefore are feminists) and is confident in who she is and embraces her being in all aspects.
    And as far as being a badass person (in general) goes: They also learn from their mistakes, know when to shut up, are kind and also assholes when appropriate, again — have their own mind and are confident in who they are, are honest and straightforward and reflective, also sometimes self-critical and accept sometimes, that they might be in the wrong.

  7. When she went through hell and back, and now sees a fire and smile, because she knows she can handle it.

  8. Someone who has it in them to stand up for herself, but also be gentle when people need it. The duality of an outwardly fierce woman who defends herself and those she cares about with passion but can also be soft and loving. Also she doesn’t go out of her ways to pick fights but doesn’t stand down when someone starts shit with her. There’s a lot more but those are the main points.

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