Hi so the council flat we lived in had a new kitchen installed by the council for free a couple months ago as they messed up the old installation causing water to leak inside the building. However when they were doing this there was lots blue cavity beads so they couldn’t do the work they needed to so they told me and ny sister to clear them and we did. However now downstairs is freezing cold especially the side taht is closest to the kitchen after this has happened and my mum is topping up gas £15-25 2-3 times a week. Is there anything that can be down, if it makes a difference my mum is a low earner and in Tower Hamlets.

  1. Apparently it’s -4 outside at the moment. I would pay good money to have insulated balls.

  2. Well you have already had the free kitchen may as well get free insulation as well…

    The rest of us have to pay for all this ourselves mind you so don’t feel too hard done by just paying for your gas bills

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