Idk probably writing this just to vent, but also curious about what you guys think.

So I had a fwb/casual hookup girl and we agreed on that from the start. We had sex 3 times, nothing extraordinary, but she was not the most receptive person mildly put. Nevertheless, she agreed several times to come over.

I was trying to arrange a new meeting, and she hit me with “I was not attracted to you from day 1” and said she does not want to meet anymore.

As a rule, I am quite indifferent about rejections, but for some reason, that felt different and really got me off guard.

  1. If I just wanted to get my dick wet, I don’t care if she’s dreaming of Chris Hemsworth the whole time. Her attraction to me is irrelevant. Only her consent.

    >”I was not attracted to you from day 1″

    That’s harsh. Even if it was true, no reason to voice it out loud. I wonder what made her lash out like that. Anyway. easy come easy go.

  2. Honestly imo, she must’ve been attracted to you in some capacity to have sex with you. I feel like that’s something she’s said to be crystal clear that there’s no more contact between you both.

  3. Maybe she lost interest due to personality incompatibility. Nobody hooks up 3 times with someone who they find unattractive.

  4. She probably just lost interest, or the sex was good but not what she really wanted. There could be a million reasons but lack of attraction isn’t one of them.

  5. My girlfriend who I actually just broke up with right now said the same thing. She didn’t have feelings for me since day 1, BUT she said that she developed feelings for me over the course of 3 months and really likes me now; it’s too little too late now because I’ve lost feelings over the course of those 3 months so I ended it.

  6. I think some girls will find the most hurtful thing they can maybe throw at yah sometimes maybe even just for an ego boost or feeling of mild superiority honestly

    Oh well on to the next…

  7. Some people are just so fucking mean and lack any empathy or respect for anyone. Smh I sorry you went through that.

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