27M been dating a girl for about two months now also 27. We connect really well but I find myself constantly attracted to other women. Physically.

The girl I’m with I have a lot of intimacy with but the physical elements are lacking if I’m being honest and I’ve been struggling with whether that’s a dealbreaker for me or not.

I feel very attracted to her as a person but seems like the guy downstairs messes with my head and is constantly wanting other women.

Is this something I have to learn to deal with or is my body telling me something?

  1. You say you’re attracted to her as a person but how do you feel about her looks and body? Like what do you mean about physical elements lacking?

    If you are more than satisfied with her looks and body, I’d say it’s natural to find other women attractive but you have to let it pass. If this is because you are having mixed feelings on the physical you may want to re-evaluate.

    I’m a woman btw, and trust me many of us could not be with someone who isn’t 100% physically attracted.

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