I continually find myself drawn to police officers but I don’t really… enjoy their work/actions- which is a different topic that I won’t get into. I don’t understand this fascination I have towards them and have been trying to figure it out for awhile now. It started last year after a *horrible* date with a cop. His actions and personality were detestable which one would think would make me further distance myself from those who work in this realm but since this interaction, I find them insanely sexually attractive. Doesn’t make sense to me and I don’t like it. What is going on with my dating preferences and what do I clearly need to work through??

  1. Attraction isn’t controllable like that. We like who we like, regardless of their job, political stances/alignment, criminal history, etc.

  2. its because it is a very “manly” profession. he keeps people safe, wears a uniform, carries a gun, people listen to him, fear him, etc. that stuff drives the ladies crazy. there arent too many cops that have trouble getting women.

  3. It’s the uniform. They look good in them. You take almost all of them out of it and they’re absolutely not as attractive.
    Stay away from cops.

  4. Umm.. try firefighters? They also wear uniforms and typical don’t do the things you despise lol

  5. You probably have a sexual fetish for “manly authoritative figures” who are dangerous. You’re sexually attracted to the control they can have over you.

    My advice is to stay away from police officers, and role play to satisfy this fetish.

  6. I think you’re fetishizing the authoritive nature of the police. Which is some sick shit 😂 just go buy a police uniform for a person who isn’t a weirdo corporate interest defender.

  7. Bad boy complex, fetishizing, authority issue, daddy problems….I dunno, it’s kind of hard to psychoanalyze you based on what you wrote here.

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