I’m a high school student and I don’t know how to show interest in people I’m interested in. How can I do this correctly?

  1. What a great question!

    Reciprocity is evendence of shared interests, and for that you would need to know other people’s needs, what they live and breathe with, if possible but not required. Use your imagination, your own sense of empathy and visualize what’s it like to be in the shoes of the person you’re taking to.
    When you’re genuinely interested in someone, it works like magic, your questions easily come from a place of curiousity and a person begins to open up naturally.
    I find this to be a super powerful social skill!

    One more tip: in a very deliberate, yet delicate way initiate conversation at a high level of respect, no matter what this person’s reputation is. People sense that.

    One sided conversation where only one person asks questions quickly turn monotonous and resemble more of an interview.
    Conversations where all sides are mutually interested in each other are much more satisfying and often lead to a more lasting relationships.

    I hope you try the tips and update how it goes for you!

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