I (24F) have been using Hinge for several months now, but nobody interested me until today. I think I met the guy of my dreams on the app, and it seems like he likes me back!

We were talking a bit about video games and then he asked me what else I like to do, and then I texted him a LONG, organized paragraph with my hobbies and job in bullet points. I didn’t sound ROBOTIC, I just like to use bullets to organize my thoughts especially if they’re long!

But now he’s not answering and I’m worried I screwed things up. He could also be busy but IDK, do guys like it when girls show passion about the things they’re interested in? Even the message comes out a teeny bit long because I have a lot to say? Even if they use bullet points??

  1. Well, maybe he’s never seen an organized person. Possibly he may be shocked, who knows. I personally wouldn’t have went with that approach, but been more natural. Give him a day or so. Then attempt to see if he responds and if not then he wasn’t the one.

  2. He’s not put off by bullet points. It’s not the format. It maybe the content. Or he’s just busy. Who knows. But I’m 99.9% sure it’s not the organization of your text that’s causing a delayed response time.

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