I (non-binary 16) have this horrible trait of jealousy. I don’t even know if I’d call it that,it feels like a deep stinking feeling basically whenever I’ve been in relationship even friendships but the feeling is way more intense in relationships where if the person I’m with is like having fun without me or talking about a friend it even got as bad as I’d get anxiety if I heard them texting someone else. It’s not healthy and it’s ruined my past relationships I just don’t know what it is. I’ve tried getting rib of it a bunch of times but it always comes back sometimes it gets so bad I start crying/throwing up/scratching my skin off etc etc. i hate when ppl say “I want an obsessed possessive partner” it sucks I don’t wanna control my future person,I want us to be able to have a life outside each other but I physically can’t while I’m like this. I just need to know what this is and how to get rid of it,it’s been years I’m just so tired man.

TL DR: advice on possessive behavior

1 comment
  1. Probably stems from fear of abandonment? Like you’re afraid that your partners will find someone “better” and dump you, so you’d rather they not be “distracted” from you.

    Anyway, you don’t get a medal for white-knuckling your way through this. No shame in trying, but if you’ve tried and it doesn’t work, it’s time to go to therapy — especially when your anxiety is so bad that you’re self-harming. Don’t ignore this or downplay it, because it’s serious.

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