Like I don’t have a lot of money so I basically just wear one or two outfits everyday but I’m very afraid of that…

  1. The ‘simpler’ the repeat outfit, the more it will look like your ‘uniform’ and less like wearing the same clothing daily. Keeping your clothes clean is the most important thing! But there are definitely people whose personal style = jeans, boots or sneakers, a plain black or white t-shirt. If you have the confidence, clothing typically looks like a stylistic choice and not an accident or situational thing.

    Edit: Wanted to add, you can cheaply get a whole pack of plain shirts at many stores! An array of colors will make it clear you’re wearing a different one daily, and very few people notice jeans are being repeated unless there’s something distinct about them.

  2. Idk how useful this is ,but you can invest a small sum of money into getting some generic tshirts 5$ a piece like 3cold colors 3 warm colors+ black and white. A cheap pair of jeans that fit you well, a pair of trainers and a pair of suede trainers that could work with a casual button up can also find a generic jacket for really cheap. In time, invest in an expensive jacket or two because high quality jackets last you a long time in pristine condition and add more cheap tshirts or long sleeve shirts and new shoes.

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