To women in relationships, do you tell your partner when you get hit on when they’re not around? Why or why not?

  1. Only if anything notable happens, like the guy disrespects me, tries to touch me, etc

  2. Absolutely not. I don’t want my partner fighting with them, and getting hit on doesn’t make me interested in someone else, so it would be a lose-lose for me to mention it.

  3. Absolutely. He tells me when it happens to him too. We don’t keep things from each other and besides we find it funny

  4. I do not. There is no reason for them to know and I can handle it myself. I am very clear and shut it down without room for confusion. Only time I’ll tell them is if something comes up that seems necessary to, like if a friend I have proposes a relationship out of nowhere or something. I can still handle that with respect paid to my commitment, but it feels necessary to disclose any emotionally intimate happenings like that

  5. Typically, usually because there’s a story or I’m venting because it was annoying.

  6. We tend to be pretty open about that kinda stuff. No particular reason than we both being curious.

  7. Sure, I do. Never about gloating but more in general about my night out. My partner is not aggressive or does he find it threatening, nor does he see it as cheating. Usually he will congratulate me if I get a free drink or if someone complimented me. It is honestly super refreshing. We have a lot of trust and communication. So for him its more like “great another person found you appealing, they see what I see in you”. He also tells me if someone hits on him, although usually we are together and I have to tell him someone was flirting with him. Sweet man thinks everyone is just being nice.

  8. I can’t imagine why I would need to tell my boyfriend something so insignificant. Like how does that conversation even go?

  9. Usually yes, because there’s a good story that goes along with it most of the time. If I don’t tell him, it’s because it was so unmemorable.

    I don’t intentionally choose to not disclose this information, if that’s what you’re asking.

  10. It depends. Was it funny? Maybe. Not because of misguided notion that not telling him would mean I was hiding something. We have been married for 22 years. I don’t tell him everything and that’s fine, lol.

  11. No. The shit has been happening since I was eleven. It’s just another boring occurrence. I usually forget about it three minutes after I get the dude out of my face anyway.

  12. Yeah. I tell him everything. He isn’t going to act jealous or get mad at me. Either it will be a funny story or it will be respectfully done and my fiance will just say congrats.

  13. Sometimes if the dude was especially creepy or we could get a laugh out of it.

  14. I honestly don’t know when I’m being hit on. I work in customer service, almost nothing phases me.

  15. Funny story (to me) – My wife was out shopping, happened to be winter, and some guys hit on her (cat calling). She swung around and threw open her heavy winter coat open to show them her 8 month pregnant belly. According to her, their faces went blank. Made her day and we got a good laugh out of it.

  16. Sometimes, if there is an interesting story. If I were to tell my husband each time I get hit on it would come off as bragging probably and he may take it the wrong way.

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