My sister and I told each other everything when we were little. Everything. From jokes to boyfriends. We actually never faught like my friends and their siblings. We were like best friends.

Well, heres the thing. I got my first boyfriend when I was 15. He was also 15. When we were 18 we moved in together. This is kinda hard to talk about. Its just awkward. There was a time where he forced himself upon me when we were 18.

I went back home, i told my parents we got into a fight,, and i told my sister what really happened. I stayed there for a few weeks and i ultimately forgave him, but he slept on the couch for a while and it took him a long time to earn that trust back.

Were 26 now. He is now my husband and we have 2 kids.

Today him and my sister got into an argument at our house over politics. It was about the wnba player but it doesnt matter. He stayed calm and just debated and my sister got heated and threw a remote at him and thats when i had her leave.

Well… Hours later sha made a Facebook post. It was a family picture. Me, husband, and our 2 kids and my husbands face was circled and she captioned it “(my husbands full name) IS AN ABUSER AND R\*PES HIS WIFE”

My parents saw that. My aunts and uncles saw that. Theyre all texting me screenshots of it and my parents said we both arent welcome in their home anymore. I explained what happened and they just said “it doesnt matter how long ago it was. You arent welcome here anymore.”

My aunt has told me to keep my scumbag husband away from her. My cousins all are texting it to me asking if its real.

My other aunt is the only one who showed any compassion and called me and asked what happened. I explained it was a long time ago and she understood.

I just dont know what to do right now. Everyone hates me for no reason

edited some spelling

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