hi, my girlfriend (18f) and myself (18m) have been dating for about 2 months now, and she just got accepted into college. i am already in college myself, although it is community and i commute. she has been accepted to a school which would put her 2 and a half more hours away than she already is from me, so around 4 hours and 30 mins away in total one way by car. my mom already has issues with the idea of me even going to go and meet her in person, for example, i am meeting her for the first time in two weeks time, and my mom has stated that she has to come with me or else i will not go ever. this is a little much in my opinion, but i digress. i fear for the future, as the idea of her not only being further, but also the reality of my mothers overbearing attitude, is a lot to handle. i’m truly unsure if this will work out in the long run, and if anyone could possibly give me any advice or just words to help, that would be amazing. thanks so much and have an amazing day 🙂

tl;dr my girlfriend got accepted into college and is moving two more hours away into a city, and i’m uncertain about the future of our relationship. my mom is very overprotective of me and does not want me driving the two short hours that we have between us now.

  1. It can be difficult when those close to us have opinions that contradict what we wish for. I understand your concern about the long distance impacting your relationship, however I would suggest focusing on being mindful of each day you are together and setting realistic expectations between you both. Also, communication is key in any relationship so it may help to talk openly with your girlfriend about how best to keep in touch during these tough times. Finally, seek professional help if necessary as having an outside opinion will provide further clarity and insight into how to handle this situation.

  2. Don’t let Mom at 18 control you. Or no matter how close or far your girlfriend Is——It will never wok out. If you feel Mom is going to be a hindrance that you continue to enable(If you would)No use in having any relationship. This would be a Mommy’s Boy. Other than That. LDR can work out if two people make the effort.

  3. Mom is being ridiculous you are 18 years old. It may not be plausible now but a plan to go elsewhere for school eventually would help with boundaries.

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