so two weeks ago that friend invited me and 4 other people over. her “crush” being one of them.

i’ve never met that guy before and i only knew 2 out of the 5 ppl there, so being anxious about socializing i drank because i know that gets me to talk and be way more friendly than i usually am.

so end of the night, i thought everything went really great and i was really happy that i got along with all them and surprised that i didn’t feel like hiding in the bathroom even once which is awfully rare for me.

while everyone was getting ready to sleep i noticed her locking herself up with the two other girls in the bathroom and i thought that was awfully weird and immediately thought “that’s it. i fucked up”

i didn’t really know what i had done because no one had mentioned something all night long. my first guess was, being drunk, i talked way too loud and probably embarrassed her every time i told her something about him (things like omg you should definitely kiss him, are you sure you don’t want to be alone with him? etc etc)
I waited for like 15 minutes, but they still weren’t coming out so i just decided to not think about it and wait for tomorrow.

waking up i see that she’s already dressed, that the two other girls are also getting ready and by hearing them talk i get that they’re apparently going shopping.
obviously i IMMEDIATELY know something is still really wrong but i don’t say anything because now the three of them are ignoring me and they locked themselves up AGAIN in the bathroom.
feeling very uncomfortable i just got ready as fast as i could and left to take the bus.

ok so nows where it gets confusing.

four hours later i get a “we should talk” text, and YES PLEASE that’s all i wanted.
she then proceeds to tell me that i apparently flirted with him all night long, exaggerating everything i was doing and that i kept following him “like a lovesick puppy”, adding that she felt uncomfortable all night long and that everyone noticed it too.

so i immediately apologize for making her feel that way because i never wanted to ruin the night and making her uncomfortable in her own house.
i then proceed to explain that i get her point, i hear and understand what she’s telling me but that i truly was not flirting with him and that i honestly acted the same way that i would’ve with her or any of my friends.
i tried to ask her why no one told me anything about it during that night and why she waited until i got home and couldn’t do anything about it anymore to tell me everything, but she just discarded it with a “i wasn’t going to make a scene in front of everyone”.
and sure that makes sense, but we went ALONE two times to the bathroom and she still didn’t say a damn word about it??

the conversation goes on but we’re honestly repeating the same things so i tell her one last that i hear what she’s telling me, that i’m sorry for causing her pain and that it was unintentional but that i feel like shes asking for a solution when i truly don’t have one, right now i can’t do anything about what happened.
to which she answers “yeah i know i wasn’t expecting you to find one” and i left her on read bc wtf was i supposed to answer to that.

so two weeks passed and i don’t know what the hell i should do. she didn’t block me from any socials but none of them are talking to me.
i honestly don’t even feel like sending another apology text because i feel like she’ll treat it just like the other one. (i know apologizing doesn’t mean i get to be forgiven, that’s not the point, but i don’t think it deserves to be answered to that harshly)
+ to be completely honest i’m also a bit mad at her bc i still can’t understand how after all those years that we’ve known each other she’s able to think i willingly did something that disgusting to her.

my biggest problem is that i feel like even by apologizing or if i’m lucky enough and she ends up forgiving me, i just don’t think things will be the same.

should i text her?? how do i even ask how things are between us?
or should i just consider our friendship screwed and let it go ??

TLDR: she thinks i flirted with him when i honestly just talked and acted the way i would’ve done with anyone. i apologized. it’s been two weeks and none of my friends are talking to me. should i text, apologize again, or just consider our friendship screwed?

1 comment
  1. i suspect your friend thought her crush enjoyed talking to you too much, more than he seems to enjoy talking to her. especially if she has a hard time approaching him or gets awkward around him, she’s probably angry at herself and taking it out on you. definitely sees you as a threat and can’t handle the idea that he could prefer you over her.

    you feel like she’s searching for a solution and that you truly don’t have one. that’s because the solution she’s waiting for is the one where her crush reciprocates her feelings and they live happily ever after. that’s what she really wants to happen and she seems to have deluded herself into thinking you stand in the way of that happening. maybe she always has to place blame somewhere when things with him don’t go the way she fantasized in her head, because it’s easier than accepting he just isn’t into her. you didn’t do anything wrong, she’s just angry that she didn’t have the conversation you had with him herself. it’s easier for her to blame and be angry at you than for her to blame and be angry at herself.

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