Okay, I just read a post on this subreddit that had a lot of good information. When having conversation with people, the idea isn’t to listen -or not JUST listen anyway. You need to understand what’s being said. The writer then suggests to wait 3 seconds after someone finishes speaking for you to begin contributing to the conversation. I like that. I feel like I do pretty well with listening and fully processing what’s being said.

But what happens if the person is completely dominating the conversation? To the point where you can not get a word in or, even when you get the chance to, they interrupt, talk over you, or completely ignore everything that you said and continue to express their own opinion/thoughts. I have struggled with this concept my entire life. I am not the type to interrupt someone or allow my body language to show that I am losing interest in a conversation that I’m not really needed for lmao.

  1. Ya I’ve worked with people like this. They also tend to interrupt you when you’re trying to speak. I handled this by continuing to talk, and even raising my voice a bit. He eventually took the hint and stopped interrupting me, but I would still try to avoid talking to him because it was just unpleasant. I had a neighbor who was the same way. I eventually just started turning around and walking away on him mid sentence. He also eventually picked up the hint and we were able to have normal conversations. First guy was just an asshole, second guy was nice but lacked social awareness

  2. This is common with strong extroverts, who never learned how to shut the f*** up. It is usually best to just avoid them, or if you can’t, just call them out. “John, you never learned how to shut the f*** up, did you?”

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