I’ve been talking to this girl a bit at work and she’s been doing things such as: Glancing at me, Ask if I need help, Always says bye to me, Asking me when I’m working next after I start a conversation, Small convos and Sometimes staring at me.

Is she just being nice or does she like me?

  1. From the small information I say that she is just being nice. Is there mabye a few more things she does that you can mabye think of?

  2. It’s really hard to know for sure. But it’s a better sign than if she was ignoring you. But work romances always have a risk.

  3. This is not enough to go on. You’re gonna have to ask someone who is actually physically there when you two interact.

  4. Ask her for her number and SM. That would be a place to start. See if she will interact with you outside of work hours.

  5. She’s being nice but she might like you. However, you have to find that out.

    I had a co-worker who, even in the first week of working there, exhibited behavior that I totally could have interpreted as her being interested in me. But I didn’t, and it turns out, she wasn’t. She already had a boyfriend, who eventually showed up one day as part of the normal boyfriend activities of picking her up or dropping her off.

    She continued being as nice and friendly and outgoing as she was before her boyfriend was made known, so it just means that this is how she was. It wasn’t a case of her trying to meet other guys and monkey-branch to them before dropping her current boyfriend.

  6. She does NOT like you. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure she things you are a MEGA CREEP and possibly a child MOLESTER and she is only being nice to you to gather evidence to hand over to the FBI. I would expect a SWAT team to be breaking down your door at any minute and throwing you in jail with a cell mate called Otis who’s gonna make you his prison bitch.

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