There’s a couple people that i’ve been talking to, who I really like, but I dont know if i should ask them out and who. There is one boy we call him F he is a red head, who has a fun bubbly personality, and really likes the same music as I do. Then there is E and she’s a really kind and we dress the same, and have a lot in common, we talk a lot, and she’s really feminine. Lastly, there’s EL, she’s really funny, makes really cool things for me (hats, bags, etc.) She also plays music in a band with me. Who should I ask?

1 comment
  1. These are just words on paper that don’t really tell us anything meaningful about these people as individuals that would make us say “pick that one”. Keep talking to them and one should stick out more than the others. Ultimately its about how you feel about each one as opposed to these generic descriptors that don’t tell us much

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