I’m 28. What can I look forward to in my 30’s?

  1. I am also 28, and I’m hoping I have something to look forward to myself, so I’m bumping myself in here to read the advice in a bit lol

  2. The same things only older 😂

    No I’ve started sowing down, drinking less booze, spending money on finer things like 150$ German safety razers and shit.

  3. Hopefully another 30 years in this realm of existence – but you now should have significantly more money, resources and freedom than in the last 30 years.

    I’m about to turn 30 – still single and free to do whatever I want. So I’m looking to excel the career by moving abroad and start making reality those easy wins that weren’t achievable due to finances before.

  4. Someday something unexpected will happen, and you’ll know *exactly what to do*. Then when more shit happens you’ll start knowing what to do most of the time without having to ask anyone.

  5. Haha……one of the awkward facts of being a guy is nobody can really stand us when we’re in our 20s. Honestly, we’re not very good at anything and we can be really difficult to be around. Things tend to click together in your mid-30s. Your skills build up in a lot of areas and start to connect with each other. You become really useful in both a relationship and in the workforce. And, we get to be a lot more pleasant to be around. I suspect its a combo of actually being good at things and being able to drop false bravado and declining testosterone so we simply don’t care about things as much.

    But I tell mothers of rowdy boys all the time when they ask, “ugh….when do they get better?” and I’m like, “Age 35!” 🙂

    And seriously…….enjoy Age 35! What happens shortly thereafter is your body (lower back, specifically) starts to fail on you, lol. Like my handyman and car mechanic skills are getting really good……but my physical ability to get into crawlspaces and under cars just isn’t good enough to apply it. Frustrating!

  6. More taxes, less ability to handle a hangover, being somehow more tired…but Fridays get better!

  7. Everybody your age will seem older than you and seem to have more physical ailments that they complain about while they say stuff like “just wait until you get closer to x age, and you’ll understand.”. But that will have been at least three years ago.
    (My experience at least)

  8. On some random day in your 30s, at like 3:42 PM, you will be a “Man.” It will last about 20 minutes.

    Before that random date and time, you were a “Young man.” And after that date and time, you will be an “Old man.”

  9. Get in great shape and strive for pristine health. Make progress in your chosen vocation by building competence and skillsets that will enable you to command autonomy, freedom. and great financial stability.

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