A group of people that I connected with in college have been ignoring me. I’ve known them for about a year and it seems as though every effort to maintain a friendship is not reciprocated. They honestly make me feel horrible about myself, and I’m wondering what to do to help myself feel better about the situation, or what to do in order to let them know that the way they are treating me is not okay.

1 comment
  1. First, it is important to recognize that you cannot control how others treat you. You can only control your own actions and reactions. It may be helpful to take a step back and evaluate the situation objectively. Ask yourself if these individuals truly value your friendship and if they are treating you with the respect and kindness that you deserve. If not, it may be time to reevaluate the value of this friendship and consider moving on.

    If you decide that you want to continue trying to maintain the friendship, it may be helpful to have a direct conversation with them about how their behavior is making you feel. Be honest and open, but also respectful and non-confrontational. Let them know that you value their friendship and would like to continue being a part of their lives, but that their behavior is causing you pain.

    If the situation does not improve and you continue to feel hurt and ignored, it may be time to let go of this friendship and focus on building new, healthy relationships. Remember that your self-worth and happiness should not be dependent on the approval of others. Surround yourself with people who treat you with kindness and respect, and let go of those who do not.

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