I don’t know how relevant this is, but I am not talking about sex with another individual right now. I have had sex one time before, but right now I am taking about masturbation. When I firat entered puberty and learnt about masturbation I was horny as hell basically constantly, which I assume is pretty common. However after a while I started to become less and less horny (I masturbated around once per day most of the time). Eventually I practicslly stopped being horny, but still masturbated due to habbit, which was probably fueled by the dopamine release. After realising that I only did it due to habbit I tried to do it less, which lead to me having different periods where I sometimes did it pretty much once a day, and periods where I only did it around once or twice a week. Right now I am in a period of once or twice a week, and I have noticed that the only way I can get “horny enough” to really want to do something sexual, and feel excited for it, is if I abstain from masturbsting for more than a week. And even so I don’t get ***that*** horny, which I really wish I could get; especially withiur having to wait for more than a week.

I have trouble finding solutions to my problem, since all webbsites basically just talk about how to increase libido when you are in a sexual relationship with another individual. It also contains solutions like “stress less”, where as I practically don’t experiance any stress, except maybe mild stress in some rare scenarios. Could my low libido just be the cause of genetics or something like that? Is there an easy way to increase my libido? Thanks in advance.

  1. Exercise helps. But really fluctuating between wanting a wank everyday and wanting it twice a week is pretty normal

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