So me and this girl I been dating for 3 months I guess are breaking up it’s mostly my fault . I just kept picking fights and stuff and to be honest I’m not in love with her but I want to be with her because I hate being single . I don’t know what to do. I wanna be able to just cut all communications with her but the thought of having no female connection scares me more than anything and I get thrown into a severe depression . I can’t even sleep I can hardly eat rn I don’t know what to do. I pride myself of being so strong and tough but I realized how much power that woman has over me and really any woman I date does

1 comment
  1. OP…

    let her go. Wanting to be in a relationship to avoid loneliness isn’t the same as wanting to be in a relationship to be with someone. Break up and work on yourself, figure out why you got into so many fights with your soon to be ex and fix it.

    Next, don’t jump into a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship. Create a set of requirements for your potential partner and stick to them when getting back into the dating life. Get social, if you can’t stand the feeling of being alone, become more social, this might help you to meet up other women if you choose to take up activities that other singles do.

    You need to learn to live independantly of others and how to remain social with friends.

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