I met him online dating. We hung out for a few weeks and then I just had a few red flags that made it easy to ghost him.

#1. We lived 1 hour apart and the week we met he explained that his car broke down. Then he proceeded to just be weird about me visiting and picking up dinner. He’d eat and fall asleep so I felt used. So I ghosted him.

Then a year later I create another account back on the same dating site. Within 24hrs he finds me and I figure give him another chance. This time we hang out for a weekend. His place. Then my place. Then by Monday he was unresponsive. Calls me late Monday whispering and telling me he moved. He gave all his furniture away and moved in with his parents. He said in a few weeks he was moving in a new place and buying all new everything. I was just at his place. No signs of moving. No mention of it. Sounded bizarre. We are both in our 40s. Employed and otherwise stable. He says he has no kids and not married but I started to doubt it

Then on 1 of our dates he was so rude to me and blamed it on being Hangry

I eventually sent him a Dear John text saying goodbye cause I just couldn’t deal with the red flags

Yet still every so often I wonder AITA for not asking more questions and assuming certain things

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