Long story short, I was an emotional wreck between the ages of 16 and 23, and really lost a lot of friends and pushed people away. I still have friends, but many of them have moved away from where I live, and I now have a wonderful fiance, a child, etc.

I feel extremely isolated and actually just ran into someone at my job (local store) from my past and it totally threw me into a spiral thinking about how I’ve screwed up so many relationships lately.

Has anyone felt the same? Started from scratch and tried to make some new friends? Ugh.

I’m glad I have my little family but yikes.

  1. People restart their social lives all the time. They have to. Since friends come and go, they have to make new ones throughout their lives.

  2. I think that age is perfectly fine! Many people will not remember what you did back then and will actually be pleased to see you changed. There is never a age where it is too late to restart your social life.

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